Book Vellore to Chennai Cabs:
What will be the exact distance and the time taken to reach Vellore to Chennai by Taxi?
It will be around 137 Km and approximately it will take 3 hr 16 min from Vellore to reach Chennai and journey hours may vary with the rest stop as it may increase the travel hours and it is undeniable for both passengers and drivers.
What are the various taxi alternatives that I can get from Taxida for travelling from Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
We have various types of taxi options to provide a luxurious travel experience for our users that includes Sedans, SUVs, Hatchbacks, Innovas, and Even tempo travellers with 14+ seaters to make your booking convenient for any number of passengers by providing all-in-all choices at one source Taxida.
Is there any option of booking the cab for just one way drop cab from Vellore to Chennai?
It’s a yes, you can book our cab service just for dropping off and to your surprise, you are just going to pay for drop service only with zero extra charges.
Vellore to Chennai Taxi Fare Details?
The fare starts at just ₹1960 Yes you heard it right it is fixed and the best fare charges of Rs.13 per/km that it may any kind of trip from Vellore to Chennai.
What things to look for when I am travelling with Taxida outstation cab service from Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
You can just enjoy the hassle-free journey alone when it comes to Taxida because we always provide the best in class cabs and the highly professional drivers with all the necessary documents checked and provided for our rider’s safety and the tension-free journey while travelling outstation. We prioritize quality service over anything else.
Why should I prefer Taxida for the trip to Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
As we mentioned quality and service matter more than anything so we always make sure the 100 per cent satisfaction for our clients and we also assure the best affordable fare in the industry where there are no hidden charges and this is the only cab service where you can compare price with other taxi services as we are confident enough that you will choose us for sure after comparing and that the uniqueness to choose us and above all our well-mannered chauffer’s and the customer support team will support you 24/7.
What will be the easy way to book cabs to travel from Vellore to Chennai by taxi with Taxida?
- Visit our website and book any pre-planned or current journey details www.
- Just give a call @ +91 89392 92000 or you can even WhatsApp us at @ +91 89392 92000 as simple as that.
Do I need to pay anything extra like night charges in case I’m travelling at night?
We assure you that there will not be any hidden charges even when you access our cab service at midnight and rest our service speaks.
And we do not have any time preference for booking our cab, you can book our service even at a Last-minute so what else could be better than this isn’t it?
What will be the laneway direction details from Vellore to Chennai by taxi with Taxida?
It is the national highway via Kanchipuram which is well maintained and our riders will feel very comfortable drive with our chauffeurs who are all very much concerned about the passengers and the Vellore to Vellore distance is 137 Km and is 3 hr 16 min journey. A few famous tourist places that you can enjoy on the go is
You can add those places on your trip if it’s a site visit along with us, Taxida can customize your travel plan with your budget to make your trip a memorable one.
Is there any option to book a cab of my own choice?
Yes, we have various options to book a cab of your own choice as we have multiple options including sedan, SUV and so on.
I don’t have cash in hand can I still book a cab and make a payment by any other payment option?
Yes, we do have all the online payment gateways available for easy payment for the passengers as we all do not have cash in hand all the time in the digitalized world.
Can I get avail any offer for choosing Taxida for the trip to Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
If you check on our website, you can get to see a lot of offers including
- Use code FLY10 & get a 10% discount up to INR 50 for all airport trips
- Get 10% off on your first Taxida ride
- Use code MYTAXIDA & get a 10% discount up to INR 50 on your first booking with Taxida
Why should I choose Taxida for the trip to Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
We have a million reasons to choose us but we will give you the 5 top-notch reasons
- Affordable fare when compared to any other cab services in south India
- Can be booked to one-way travel
- No hidden charges
- Highly professional chauffer’s
- 24*7 customer support service
How do I cancel my booking for the trip to Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
Yes, definitely you can cancel cab booking anytime by just giving a call to +91 89392 92000 or you can even WhatsApp us at @ +91 89392 92000.
Can I have the split-up fare details for the trip to Vellore to Chennai Taxi?
- Online taxi service with Taxida’s best fare
- Toll fees, Inter-State Permit charges are inclusive
- Taxi fare starting from Rs.13/km